Elegant Themes Blog

Ed Young Devotionals

    Stepping In Your Tracks

    Posted on Dec 1, 2020 12:00:00 AM


    Ephesians 6:4, "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord."

    Hebrews 12:7, "As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you as His own children. Whoever heard of a child who is never disciplined by his father?"


    It was the usual custom for a young father to walk to his office every morning. One snowy day, he heard a sound behind him. Turning, he saw his 7-year-old son stepping as far as he could to follow in his father's tracks in the newly fallen snow. The father asked, "Son, what are you doing?" The son replied, "I'm stepping in your tracks."

    God makes it clear that good parenting is about discipline. The word "discipline" is a word picture of a craftsman and an apprentice. A wise craftsman throws his or her life into their apprentice to teach them the trade and set an example worthy to follow. The craftsman's goal is to one day see their apprentice on the same level as themselves.

    Dad and Mom, you are that craftsman! Your kids are the apprentices. God's Word instructs you to bring your children up "in the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord." This means that not only are you to teach godly discipline but, most importantly, you're to live it out! Set an example your kids can follow, stepping in your tracks!


    Make a list of areas that you believe you are excelling in as a parent. Make a second list of what you believe you're not doing well as a parent, a craftsman for your young apprentices. Determine today to make the necessary changes in order to be the parent God wants you to be for your children.


    Dear God, I know that You've given me the responsibility to discipline my children. Give me the wisdom I need to be a worthy craftsman for my apprentices. Guide my steps so they may be ones my children can follow. Amen.

    Topics: parenting