Many believe that we are in the beginning stages of the end times. Although we don’t know the day or the hour of Jesus’ return, those believing the day is ever approaching often refer to the signs of the times such as increased earthquakes and natural disasters, lawlessness, famines, persecution of Christ-followers, religious deception, pandemics, wars, and threats of wars. Whether you fall in this camp or not, we do need to be cautious how we live. In fact, the Bible says, “Be careful how you live … making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.” So, to live wisely, we can follow the acrostic below, which we will continue to fill in over the next four days.

S — Shift our focus to Jesus and His church.





The church is the hope of the world. As we seek to advance God’s kingdom, we prioritize the only institution that Jesus ever founded. Notice in Matthew 16:18 Jesus didn’t say, “I will build a church or the church.” He took ownership. He said, “MY church!” He wants us to commit to what He began for our good and His glory!

Why is the church so vital to our spiritual health?

  • It’s where we learn about God’s Word to mature in our faith.
  • It’s where we connect with other believers.
  • It’s where we can leverage our God-given talents and abilities.
  • It’s where we can reach out to lost people so they, too, can experience the hope of Christ.
  • It promotes and saves marriages and strengthens families
  • It partners with parents to raise children who love Jesus.
  • It’s where we get outside of ourselves to serve others.

End times or not, we are guaranteed that the gates of hell will not prevail against us — the Church! So remain steadfastly focused on God’s house. Because, if Jesus is passionate about it, shouldn’t you be also?