Elegant Themes Blog

Ed Young Devotionals

    Sick of Manna

    Posted on Nov 20, 2022 12:00:00 AM

    Read: Numbers 11:1-9

    Think: The Israelites had some phenomenal blessings. We find the Israelites standing ankle deep in manna, bountifully blessed by God. But take a wild guess at what they were saying. Do you think they were saying, “Thank You, God. God, You are awesome. Let me give You a high five!”? Don’t hold your breath! Do you know what they were saying? They were in the moan zone. They were negative, pessimistic, and ungrateful. They were saying, “God, I wish we could go back to Egypt. I wish we could go back to slavery.” They forgot the sting of the whip. They forgot the sorry food. They were wallowing in self-pity city because they were thirsty.

    Now, before we dog the Israelites too much, let’s put the spotlight on our own lives. What occupies our thoughts? What occupies our focus? Is it what we have, or maybe what we don’t have?

    Self-pity puts us at the center; we over-focus on ourselves. Instead, we are called to put Jesus at the center. Maybe today we need to check our vision and put on the lenses of gratefulness.

    Application: Today list five things you are thankful for. Verbalize your list to someone close or call one person today and tell them why you are thankful for them.

    Pray: God, help me to remember all of my blessings. Help me to keep my eyes focused on You and not my circumstances or surroundings. Amen.

    Topics: blessing, thankful, verbalize