Elegant Themes Blog

Ed Young Devotionals

    Run Your Race

    Posted on Nov 2, 2022 12:00:00 AM


    Hebrews 12:1, “...let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” 


    Proverbs 4:25-26, “Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you, make level paths for your feet and take ways that are firm.” 



    Any competitor in an endurance race will tell you that it’s important to be as light as possible for the event. A marathon runner would not wear a sweatshirt. A mountain climber would not carry any nonessential gear. A cyclist would want to ride the lightest bike possible.  


    In the same way, God encourages us to strip away EVERYTHING that keeps us from living a life that reflects and glorifies Him. An endurance race is hard enough when we’re running light. But it’s so much harder, and often impossible, if we’re trying to run while lugging around extra baggage. That is why we are told to throw off the weights of life that slow us down, especially the sins that ensnare us.  


    Even the most skilled runner needs coaching. We are no different. We are not always the best judge at identifying what we need to change. So, where do we find these coaches? At church! When we make weekly church attendance a priority, we will stay in our lane and run a race that wins. Get involved, and God will lead you to the coaches you need!  



    Make two lists of those things that slow you down in running the race God wants you to run. The first list is anything that is not necessarily sinful but still a weight that slows you down. Your second list is self-evident sin. Take your list and pray the prayer below.  



    Dear God, I know that these areas in my life (name each item on both lists) are slowing me down and, at times, stopping me altogether from running Your race. I choose today to lay them aside. Help me keep my eyes fixed on You. Amen. 

    Topics: endurance, encourages, glorifies