Elegant Themes Blog

Ed Young Devotionals


    Posted on Dec 6, 2018 12:00:00 AM


    Luke 1:46-47, "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,"


    "We worship what we trust." Mary was told by the angel that she would have a son in her womb who would be the Messiah of Israel, the Savior of the world. What an honor, but what a threat! She would be unwed and pregnant in a culture that would outcast her and possibly stone her. How would Mary respond? Mary willingly submitted to God's plan and burst out in praise! She was a model believer who heard the word of God, believed it with her whole heart, and acted upon it regardless of the consequences. Mary left her concerns with God and chose, instead, to outwardly praise her Savior. Mary's worship was an expression of love for God. It revealed her deep faith and loyalty to God in spite of incredible circumstances with immense challenges and difficulties. Her spoken words of worship were summoned up from a deep well of belief and trust in God as her Savior. Mary is a model for us. She believed God's word, trusted in his plan and responded in praise. She worshipped what she trusted!


    Everyone worships. But what is the object of your worship, especially when times are tough? What difficulties are you facing today? Each time these trying circumstances come to mind, let your mouth praise God. Remember, we worship what we trust.


    Heavenly Father, You are my savior and I trust you this day. Thank you for your guidance. No matter what happens, I put my hope and confidence in you. Amen.

    Topics: worship