Elegant Themes Blog

Ed Young Devotionals

    Our Purpose

    Posted on Jan 27, 2018 12:00:00 AM


    Psalm 40:8,  "I delight to do your will, O my God."


    When we diss God's function, we end up living a life of dysfunction, and we miss out on our God-given purpose. Imagine ignoring the manufacturer's instructions for your car, and when the gas tank was empty, you filled the tank with water because it was quick, easy, and cheap. The problem is, the car was made to operate a specific way, and when we ignore that, we ruin the car. The same is true in our lives. We were made to live for the will of God because we were made by God. When we ignore this, we break down. This week we've looked at what it takes to STEP out of dysfunction. The final part is to accept God's will as our PURPOSE. Psalm 40:8 says we delight to do God's will. Choosing God's way over the world's way is not always easy (or even enjoyable in the moment), but we delight in doing the right thing because God's way is truly good. And, we delight because His will is our purpose. Jesus teaches His followers to pray, "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" (Matt. 6:10). Jesus is making the shocking statement that heaven is the place that God's will is always carried out; when we are obedient to God's will, we delight because we are getting a taste of heaven's goodness!


    You may be thinking, "This sounds nice, but how do I know God's will?" Start by listening more. God is speaking to you through His Word! The Bible is filled with God's purpose for your life and He's ready to speak to you through its pages. You're off to a great start with the devotionals in the FC app. Consider attending Table Talk this Sunday, where we teach you how to read the Bible for lasting life change.


    My Father in heaven, thank You for making me with a purpose. Help me to see that the quick, easy, and cheap options in life are not always best. Give me the eyes to see that obeying Your way is good, even when it is hard. Help me to delight in doing Your will. In Jesus' name, Amen.

    Topics: purpose