Elegant Themes Blog

Ed Young Devotionals

    Just One Candle

    Posted on Aug 23, 2022 12:00:00 AM


    Matthew 5:16, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” 


    “Be a world-changer!” It’s a phrase that challenges us to dream big, make a difference, and know our lives count. To some, it’s inspiring; to others, it’s daunting. But the reality is, it is possible. We can make a difference right where we are and be a light to the world around us.

    God calls us to be the difference that the world so desperately needs. We can easily convince ourselves that our relationship with Christ is only personal — and certainly, it STARTS there, with a decision and a commitment to follow Christ. But the follow-through of that initial commitment means that we are now Christ’s representatives in a lost and dying world. Just one candle — each one of us — can shatter the darkness and bring God’s everlasting light into focus. 

    Who are you showing love to today? Who are you encouraging? Who are you reaching out to? Who has a need that you can meet? It’s exciting to consider that God’s plan for your life doesn’t just involve you but His desire to work through you to spread light to those still groping aimlessly through the darkness! His plans are great, and they include you! 


    To graphically visualize the impact of light within darkness, turn off all the lights around you. Think about Jesus’ words in today’s verse. Then, turn on your phone and see how one simple light draws your attention and illuminates the darkness. Commit to shining your light within the darkness of our world and glorify your Father in heaven! 


    God, thank You for today’s reminder and challenge to make a difference in the world. Please help me be a light dispelling the darkness that draws the world’s attention to You! In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

    Topics: love, encouraging, showing