Psalm 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Have you ever been to a function where you were given a "Hello, My Name is..." sticker to wear? What if you had to fill the blank with a word other than your actual name? What would it be? Perhaps you might select a positive quality, such as responsible, well-liked, or kind. Or maybe, like so many people, you'd label yourself negatively with a word like failure, unattractive, or average. Well, when we put those negative labels on, we're identifying ourselves with something we were never intended to be. The Bible – God's truth – says we are "fearfully and wonderfully made." Therefore, when we speak negatively about ourselves or listen to the words of others over the words of God, we're going directly against God's divine design. Why? Because God doesn't create junk! You are not average; you're extraordinary! God created you with a very specific purpose in mind, uniquely gifted for an assignment that no one else can fulfill. Therefore, choose to remove the negative labels that are hindering you from being who God intended for you to be. He wants you to know and proclaim to be who He says you are! He wants you to wear His designer label. Now, think about that "Hello, My Name Is..." sticker again. What word will you choose now (loved, forgiven, blessed, chosen, complete, new creation or child of God)? Remember: The more you say what God says, the more you will begin to think what God thinks!
Beginning with "I am fearfully and wonderfully made," comprise a list of affirming labels of things God says about you. Post it near your bathroom mirror, and each morning go through your list and declare aloud that you are who God says you are.
Heavenly Father, thank You for making me a new creation in Christ. Today, I choose to believe I am who You say that I am – Your dearly loved child, empowered by Your Spirit through Christ, completely equipped to do all You have created me to do. In Jesus' name, Amen.