Elegant Themes Blog

Ed Young Devotionals

    God Goggles

    Posted on Jun 18, 2022 12:00:00 AM


    John 11:39-40, "Jesus said, 'Roll the stone aside.' Martha, the sister of him that was dead, said, 'Lord, by this time, the smell will be terrible: for he has been dead four days.' Jesus responded, 'Didn't I tell you that you would see God's glory if you believe?'" 


    We face obstacles every day. In this passage, we find Jesus facing what looked impossible - raising His friend Lazarus from the dead. Talk about a tall order! Thankfully, we serve a God of the impossible, and Lazarus was raised from the grave! (John 11:45)  

    Sometimes in life, like Lazarus' sister, Martha, we face situations that seem dire and hopeless. But, if we believe that nothing is impossible for God and keep praying, trusting, and serving Him, we'll begin to see our obstacles through the lens of our all-powerful God.

    Many can look back in the history book of their lives and see how God was faithful in what looked like a hopeless situation. Whether they experienced the outcome they hoped for or not; they saw God come through. Add a little faith to the obstacles in your life today, and watch how the outcome can change!  


    Put on your God goggles. Look at your obstacles through the eyes of Jesus and watch Him raise the Lazaruses in your life! Ask God for the strength to overcome any obstacle that you face!  


    God, I thank You that You have heard me and that You always hear me. Give me Your eyes so I can see the obstacles in my life as a God-given opportunity for myself and others to see Your power in every situation. 

    Topics: faithful, hopeless, outcome