Elegant Themes Blog

Ed Young Devotionals

    There is Power in His Word

    Posted on Aug 23, 2017 12:00:00 AM


    Hebrews 4:12 (KJV), "For the word of God is quick, and powerful..."​


    There is a reason the Bible is called "The Living Word". It is alive. It is active. It is powerful. When we hear the words from the Bible, there is a range of emotions that we may experience. We may feel mad because we are confronted with some truth we aren't ready to face. We may be sad because we realize the truth of our condition before God. But if we continue to listen to what God's Word says, we will ultimately feel glad. Why do we experience such a range of emotions when we read Scripture? It's because these aren't just words on a page. The words of the Bible are THE very words of God. They are God-breathed, life-giving, living words. If the Living Word of God is stirring an unexpected emotion in you, don't ignore it. Don't fear it. Don't run from it. God wants to do something powerful in your heart. Continue listening to Him, reading His Word, and seeking His understanding. As the Psalmist tells us, His Word will illuminate the direction He wants you to go. Trust in His Power and His Word to guide your life!


    In order to experience the power of God's Word, you must first know His Word. One great way to do that is by memorizing it and meditating on it. Begin to do that by memorizing Psalm 119:105 and Hebrews 4:12.


    Dear God, thank you for Your Word. Thank You that I can trust You and what Your Word says. Help me to follow Your instruction so I can experience the power of Your Word in my life.

    Topics: power, God's Word