Elegant Themes Blog

Ed Young Devotionals


    Posted on Sep 4, 2021 12:00:00 AM


    Ezekiel 40:38-43:27

    Ezekiel 43:1-2, 10-11, “After this, the man brought me back around to the east gateway. Suddenly, the glory of the God of Israel appeared from the east. The sound of His coming was like the roar of rushing waters, and the whole landscape shone with his glory. … “Son of man, describe to the people of Israel the Temple I have shown you, so they will be ashamed of all their sins. Let them study its plan, and they will be ashamed of what they have done. Describe to them all the specifications of the Temple — including its entrances and exits — and everything else about it… so they will be sure to remember and follow them.”


    Can you imagine following someone around for several hours, watching them take measurements of a building without getting a little distracted and bored? Then, all of a sudden, the CEO walks in and wants you to remember all those details to share with the architects, contractors, and construction crew precisely as you were shown. Forget about a notebook and pen to write it all down — you must relay the information from memory! Yikes!

    Distractions are everywhere. And how easy is it to get lost in so many extraneous diversions that we miss the most important thing right in front of us. Ezekiel was led from room to room, being shown precise measurements for the new temple in Jerusalem, when he and “the man” in his vision turned a corner and, BOOM!, came face to face with the radiance of God’s glory filling the temple. But, notice, Ezekiel says, “I looked and saw…” He wasn’t distracted or overwhelmed by all he’d seen — he immediately recognized God’s glory and fell in worship. Then, God stood him up and said, “See and listen to all these details in order to share this information with Israel.”

    Does God have your full attention? In a time when you literally hold a source of distractions in the palm of your hand, are you seeing and hearing what He wants you to take in and share with others? Our world needs to hear that Jesus died and rose again for their salvation. So, listen up and look around — don’t get too distracted by life to forget that God has something important for you to know and share!


    Heavenly Father, You have my attention. Help me to not get distracted when it comes to telling others about what Jesus has done in my life. Fill my heart with Your Truth to share with a world that needs hope. Amen.

    Topics: focus, distractions, diversions