Ed Young Devotionals

What We Need

Written by Admin | May 18, 2018 5:00:00 AM


Psalm 68:5-6  "Father of orphans, champion of widows, is God in his holy house. God makes homes for the homeless, leads prisoners to freedom."


"God is a father to the fatherless." Isn't it fascinating that of all the ways God chose to relate to humans, he chose to most commonly relate to us in terms of family? All through the first four books of the New Testament, Jesus reminded everyone that they should see God as "Father" - a perfect, loving father! God is well aware that there are many homes where earthly fathers have been absent or have simply not fulfilled that fatherly role as they should. That's why God is more than willing to step in and fill that void. We all have broken or imperfect relationships and that can take a toll on us. Trying to fill that emotional or spiritual void with anything but God will end in heartache. Do you have any voids you're filling trying to fill on your own?


Fellowship Creative's most recent album has a powerful song for you to listen to called "You." However you listen to music (iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, CD, etc.) pull up this song now. Let the truth of the lyrics penetrate your heart and remind you of how much God cares for you.


Dear God, thank you that you act as a champion for me as well as anyone who needs your protection and provision. Your compassion for the least, the last and the lost inspires me to follow your example and do the same. I pray this all in Jesus' name. Amen.