Ed Young Devotionals

Truth Time

Written by Admin | Sep 28, 2018 5:00:00 AM


Genesis 28:18-19, "The man asked him, ‘What is your name?' ‘Jacob' he answered."


"God wants you to identify who you are!" Today, most new parents select names they like, names they find pleasing to say and hear. But in biblical times, Hebrew names represented a specific characteristic, trait, or set of circumstances surrounding a child's birth. And Jacob was no exception – his name meant ‘liar.' After Jacob spent all night wrestling with God, he was asked to identify himself. In response, Jacob didn't merely state his name, he confessed that he was a liar, a sinner trying to cover up his shams and moral turnovers. Confession simply means to agree with God about what he already knows. And like he did with Jacob, God wants us to identify ourselves as sinners, confessing and confronting the things that are keeping us from his best! No matter what you're wrestling with, talk to God about it. Confess your wrongdoings and ask for his help. By keeping an open dialogue with God through prayer, you will be amazed at all the wonderful things he wants to do in and through your life!


What have you been hiding from God? It's time to identify who you are - God already knows! Take the next few moments and confess those things and ask for God's forgiveness.


Dear God, please help me to be honest with you, even when it is difficult. And thank you for your forgiving and loving me despite my failures. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.