Ed Young Devotionals

Thirst For God First

Written by Admin | Mar 21, 2018 5:00:00 AM


John 4:14,  "But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life."


"Thirst for God first!" Have you ever been really thirsty at a restaurant, and your drink glass is empty? It can be a frustrating feeling. You can try to just enjoy your meal, but it's hard to not be distracted as you keep watching and waiting for someone to refill your drink. If you are thirsting for anything more than God, you are going to end up with that frustrated, thirsty feeling as you go through life. You'll know down deep that something is missing. But if you choose to thirst for God first and make a relationship with Him the priority, you are in a position to receive unlimited refills! God will not only satisfy your thirst for Him, but can also satisfy all your other thirsts as well.


Give yourself a thirst test. Ask God to show you if you thirst for Him first. Ask God to show you if there is something (or someone) that you are looking to for the satisfaction that only He can give.


Dear Heavenly Father, please help me thirst for You first, and find the satisfaction that only comes from You. In Jesus' name, Amen.