Ed Young Devotionals

Think Like a Child

Written by Admin | Apr 23, 2022 5:00:00 AM


Matthew 18:4, “Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God’s kingdom.”


Peter Pan is a famous fictional character who never wanted to grow up. That’s actually pretty good advice! In today’s scripture, we see that Jesus was letting everyone know that the faith of a child is the way to go. It’s the faith of a child that helps them to believe in something they can’t yet see. A child knows no boundaries as they let their minds run wild with creativity. They can turn a box into a ship or a stick into a sword as they let their active imaginations soar.

Walt Disney once said that the problem with creativity is that when we grow up, we let everything from fear to a cynical spirit creep in, and we lose that childlike wonder. God wants us to recapture that childlike wonder and dream big dreams that will move the hearts of people.

Don’t overcomplicate it, but simplify and learn to think like a child again. When we recapture the child in all of us, we will once again live by faith and follow our Creator’s guidelines for greater creativity!


First, take a moment and think back on a dream you had when you were a child, that never came to be. Take a personal inventory and ask yourself why it never happened. Next, spend a few moments dreaming a new dream and employ childlike faith to do what it takes to turn it into reality.


God, You are the Creator of all things and all wonder. I know it’s Your plan for me to have childlike faith. Help me take the steps of faith that will fuel me and inspire others to thinkoutside of the box. In Jesus’ name, Amen.