Ed Young Devotionals

The Way Up Is Down

Written by Admin | Jul 23, 2019 5:00:00 AM


Philippians 2:8, "He humbled himself (became a lamb) and became obedient to death, even death on a cross."


Heroes come in many forms: soldiers, first responders, parents, teachers, or that person that defends those being bullied. There is a characteristic that often marks a hero – humility. They are not thinking of themselves; they are just doing what is needed. In fact, they are often a bit uncomfortable when they are given attention and recognition for their service. Jesus is the perfect example of the ultimate hero. As God's Son, he willingly humbled himself to step down from heaven, be born in a simple manger, and experience the pain and struggles of life on earth so that he could become obedient to his purpose. He not only lived a perfect life, but he gave up his life for us, so that we could have life to the full. It was the ultimate sacrifice that gave us ultimate victory. Just when his followers thought the story had ended, it had just begun. His resurrection sealed the deal and made the way for us to have a relationship with God. Let Jesus be your hero and follow his example. Be obedient to God's plan for your life. Listen for his voice and act in his timing in love and humility.


Be a hero for someone today. Do something unexpected. Perhaps bring a meal, wash someone's car, clean someone's house, or get groceries for someone.


Heavenly Father, thank you for sending Jesus to be my hero. Help me to follow his example of humility and obedience in my life. I know that your ways are higher and better than mine could ever be. I want to make sure I pursue the plans you have for me. Help me to hear your voice and act in your timing and not my own. In Jesus' name, Amen.