Ed Young Devotionals

The Way of Words

Written by Admin | May 2, 2018 5:00:00 AM


Prov 15:28  "The heart of the godly thinks carefully before speaking."


"Think before you speak." Have you ever said something and immediately wished you could take it back? That pain can be avoided when we remember that our words should be limited, legit and life-giving. But, that doesn't happen by accident. We have to think before we speak. Thankfully, God wants to help us with our words. The Bible tells us that when we begin our relationship with God, he gives us the Holy Spirit as a helper and a guide. God uses the Holy Spirit to warn us about our words. For example:
  • When we are talking too much, the Holy Spirit can give us the thought to talk less and ask more questions.
  • When we are about to exaggerate, the Holy Spirit can convict our conscience to stick with the truth.
  • When our words are tearing others down, the Holy Spirit can cause us to cringe at what we are saying.
That thought, that conviction, that cringe is God warning us about our words. The key to choosing wise words in those moments is to do more than just recognize the warning, we have to act on it!


Think back to a time when you spoke words you regretted. Let the pain of that memory fuel you to listen and act when the Holy Spirit nudges you today.


Heavenly Father, I want my words to be limited, legit, and life-giving. If I am about to say something that isn't, please use the Holy Spirit to warn me and give me the faith to follow your warning. Amen