Ed Young Devotionals

The Produce Aisle

Written by Admin | Jun 3, 2022 5:00:00 AM


Matthew 7:18,20, "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit...Thus, by their fruit, you will recognize them." 


Have you ever taken a bite of a delicious looking, bright red apple, only to discover it was completely rotten on the inside? You immediately wanted to spit out the whole mushy mess! It’s not just the outside of the fruit that matters; it needs to be good all the way through.  

The same is true when it comes to our faith. God doesn't want us to live fake or phony lives. He wants us to live a life that faithfully produces good fruit. He doesn't demand perfection from us, but He has given us all we need to produce a life that consistently reflects His character and His priorities – and not just on Sundays at church.  

Maybe you've encountered a Christian who wasn't producing good fruit. Don't let one bad apple ruin the bunch! Live the way God challenges you to live, every day of the week. Make sure you are planted in the Church and surround yourself with others who desire to show the world the kind of fruit God really produces!  


Make a list of a few of your behaviors or attitudes that you believe contradict the fruitful life God has for you. Choose to actively pursue God through the day as you ask His help to bring about change in those areas.  


God, I don't want to live a fake, phony, or rotten existence. Instead, I want to be the kind of person who makes a real difference. Help me become more like You so I can better reflect You to the world. In Jesus' name, Amen.