Ed Young Devotionals

Speed Up and Slow Down

Written by Admin | Apr 1, 2019 5:00:00 AM


James 1:19-20 "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires."


God's Speed Limit Signs We are all used to observing speed limit signs as we drive our cars. James starts off with practical advice telling us to speed up our listening. We should rush to hear what others have to say. But, he also instructs us to slow down our speech and our anger. This helps us to better hear what others are trying to communicate. Sometimes, when we hear others criticize us or put us down, our response can lead quickly to anger. It's solid advice to think before we speak because it will help us avoid saying something we'll later regret. When we allow anger to rear its ugly head, it inhibits our ability to influence others and it sends the wrong message to those looking to us to lead by example. An added benefit to listening to others, as well as to God, is that it helps us avoid sin in our lives. God speaks to us through the Bible, his Word, and through the words of others. Observe God's three speed limit signs from this passage and your life's testimony will bring honor to him.


Today is April Fools Day. As you go about your daily activities today, don't let the Evil One fool you into forgetting about today's devotional and God's three speed limits. Instead of being foolish, act in a wise manner by curbing any anger that might arise, thinking before you speak as you also practice listening intently to others as well as God!


God, thank you for these words of advice today from James. I want to apologize for times in my past when I've let my anger flare or when I've said inappropriate things without thinking first. Help me to rush to listen when you speak as well as to focus on what other people are saying, too. I know by observing these speed signs, I will bring more glory to your name. Amen.