Ed Young Devotionals

Sight to the Blind

Written by Admin | Feb 7, 2019 6:00:00 AM


Matthew 9:29-30a, "Then He touched their eyes and said, ‘According to your faith let it be done to you,' and their sight was restored..."


"Jesus' touch transforms everything!" One day, two blind men called out to Jesus for healing. In response, Jesus asked them one simple question: "Do you believe that I can do this?" The men answered, "Yes, Lord." These men had never seen Jesus, but they'd heard about his miraculous healing power and believed. Despite their blindness, the eyes of their heart could see. And due to their faith, Jesus changed their lives forever with just one touch. Unfortunately, physical sight does not preclude us from spiritual blindness. Many people are groping through the darkness of sin and self-reliance, blind to what they most need – Jesus' healing touch! But the moment we place our faith in Jesus, he touches our hearts and opens our eyes to a new life of possibility, freedom and purpose anchored in God's absolute truth. With one touch Jesus restored the sight of the blind, and he wants to do the same for us. How is your spiritual vision?


Today, open your eyes to those hurting in your sphere of influence. Take the time to show your concern. You never know how God will use your compassion to open their eyes to him.


Dear Lord, I want to have 20/20 spiritual vision. Open the eyes of my heart to see what you want me to see and guide my hands to touch the lives of others with your message of hope and everlasting change. In Jesus' name, Amen.