Ed Young Devotionals

More Than Enough

Written by Admin | Jun 22, 2018 5:00:00 AM


Mark 6:42-43, "They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish."


"In God's hands, the ordinary can become extraordinary." Jesus had just finished teaching 5,000 people when the disciples were ready to send them home to eat. Jesus looked at his disciples and said, "You feed them." They were in the middle of nowhere. They were just about to call a caterer when Jesus asked them to inventory what they already had among them. They found five loaves of breads and two fish ... for 5,000 people? But in the hands of Jesus, the little they thought they had could become so much more. He prayed, blessed the food, and began miraculous dividing it among the baskets to take to the crowd. Not only was there enough to satisfy every person there, but they even had leftovers! How often in your life do you think that what you have to offer is insignificant in meeting the challenge? A talent, an ability, or resource? Anytime we take what we have and give it to God, he will do something amazing with it – But how do I "give it" to God? Jesus modeled it. He prayed and he was aligned in his priorities with his Heavenly Father. When we pray, align our priorities with his, and we place or trust in God - the results will be beyond what we could have ever imagined.


Have you been withholding or hanging back because you don't believe you have anything to offer? Or maybe God is asking you to give something to him and you haven't trusted him with it? Write it down in your journal and then write "I TRUST YOU!"


God, thank you for the reminder that you are more than enough. Please show me what I have to offer – even if I think it is insignificant. Thank you for reminding me that anytime you ask something from me, it is because you have something greater for me.