Ed Young Devotionals

Listen Carefully

Written by Admin | Aug 15, 2021 5:00:00 AM


Jeremiah 37:11-38:28

Ezekiel 1:28-2:2, “All around him was a glowing halo, like a rainbow shining in the clouds on a rainy day. This is what the glory of the Lord looked like to me. When I saw it, I fell face down on the ground, and I heard someone’s voice speaking to me. ‘Stand up, son of man,’ said the voice. ‘I want to speak with you.’ The Spirit came into me as He spoke, and He set me on my feet. I listened carefully to His words.”


There are moments in life when we know something BIG is happening. We quickly sit up to pay more close attention. We know that it’s a moment to be fully engaged both mentally and physically so that we don’t miss a thing.

God’s call on Ezekiel’s life was one of those monumental moments. Fully cognizant of this reality, Ezekiel was so overcome by God’s presence that he fell facedown to the ground. But as God’s Spirit stood him up, we see him being prepped to receive an important message — one that began with a God addressing him as “son of man.” Why didn’t God call him by his name? Of course, he was the son of a man! Although odd and almost distant-sounding, God referred to Ezekiel as this to remind him that he’d been set apart to declare a life-altering message to Israel — a difficult and daunting task that would definitely be ill-received. Yet, this assured Ezekiel that it was his God-given responsibility to carry out.

As Christ-followers, we, too, have been set apart and tasked with a responsibility that isn’t always easy. But just as God instructed Ezekiel, He wants us to show and share His love with the world.  We may not directly receive majorly consequential prophetic messages in visions or dreams, but if we have experienced life-change through Jesus Christ, it’s too important not to share!  We inhabit a dark world that needs the light only He can bring — and we don’t have to be Bible scholars to infiltrate the darkness! All we need is our own story; we must tell what Jesus has done in our lives with intentionality!

So, today, be in awe of His presence and praise Him on bended knee. Then, stand up and listen carefully as He speaks into your heart. You might just be preparing for a monumental moment, a chance to bring Christ’s light in someone’s darkness as you share the magnificence of His love and desire for connectivity with each and every one of us on planet earth!


Heavenly Father, Thank You for calling me out of the darkness into Your eternal light.  I am in awe of You.  I am listening carefully right now as You speak into my heart.  Help me to share the life-changing message of Christ with someone today.  Amen.