Ed Young Devotionals

Good Friday?

Written by Admin | Mar 30, 2018 5:00:00 AM


Matthew 27:50,  "And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit." 1 Peter 1:3,  "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead..."


"Jesus went from life to death to bring us from death to life!" We call today "Good Friday." But 2,000 years ago it was anything but good, and the blood-stained cross was anything but beautiful. Can you imagine what Jesus' disciples were thinking as this person they followed and loved died right in front of them? Certainly, it was not a  good day. Yet in the shocking way God works, we now call today "good" and see a symbol of torture-the cross-as a symbol of love, transformation, and beauty. Good Friday shows us the power of God. He alone can bring life from death. When you put your faith in Jesus and the work he did on the cross for you, you are saying "yes" to the One who can take you from death to life. Today, remember that because of Jesus Christ, the darkest places in your life can become alive. Your most hopeless situations can be transformed. No matter what, you can always move from death to life, in Christ!


We all need others to remind us that our world was forever changed after Good Friday. Who can you remind (or tell for the first time)? Text that person right now and say, "Want to know what makes today ‘Good Friday'? I'll show you!" And invite them to join you for one of our many Easter experiences at Fellowship Church!


Father, help me to fully understand and live out the reality that you went from life to death to bring me from death to life! May that powerfully affect every choice that I make today. Amen.