Ed Young Devotionals

Go Fish!

Written by Admin | Sep 28, 2019 5:00:00 AM


Matthew 4:19, "Come, follow me,' Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men.'"


"Step outside, open your hands, and just let the fish jump in!" – No Fisherman Ever We all know that in order to catch fish, you have to go to the water, cast, reel, and repeat. You have to work to get the attention of the fish, even trying several methods and using different kinds of bait. Sometimes you catch them right away, other times there is a lot of waiting involved. It can take a lot of work to hook a fish! But, if you're patient, the payoff is worth it! This is the picture that Jesus was painting in today's verse. If we want to follow Him, we have to make fishing our new hobby. We have to be patient, looking for opportunities to engage in conversation. We have to be creative, using a variety of common interests to connect with others. Sometimes it happens quickly, sometimes it takes years of consistent praying and persistent inviting. But, if we are willing, God will work through us! He will use us to catch the attention of people far from Jesus so we can show them the amazing life-saving relationship He offers!


Text or call one person today who is drowning spiritually to let them know you are thinking about them and set up a time to get together with them soon. You never know how God will use you to reach them if you are willing!


Jesus, give me an open heart and the ears to listen as I encounter people who are far away from You. Sometimes it's easier to become distracted instead of focusing on fishing. Help me to stay patient as I cast my rod, trusting You to do the catching. Amen!