Ed Young Devotionals

Get Your Worship On

Written by Admin | Apr 5, 2020 5:00:00 AM


Deuteronomy 14:22-23, "You must set aside a tithe of your crops ... Bring this tithe to the designated place of worship ... Doing this will teach you always to fear the Lord your God."


If I asked you to describe the picture that comes to your mind when you hear the word "worship," what would you say? Many of us would describe a scene where a group of people are singing in church, maybe even with their eyes closed and hands lifted. But, as great as that is, it's just one facet of true worship. Everything we do, say, touch, and feel should be an act of worship to the Lord. Every time we choose to obey and reflect Him, we are choosing to worship. It should be intrinsic to every part of our lives - including our finances. Jesus talked more about money than anything else. How we spend our money shows what is truly important to us because the Bible says, "Where our treasure is there will our hearts be also." Today's reading instructs us to offer a tithe, the first ten percent of our income, to God's House. God has given us everything - He is the owner. We are simply managers. If we can't trust God with our finances, we aren't really trusting Him at all - it's where the rubber meets the road in worship. So, it's time to get our worship on and not only sing but give (with a cheerful heart) back to the Lord at least a tenth of what He has given to us.


With tax season upon us, figure out what your household income was last year and then figure out how much you gave to the Lord through your tithe. Was it 10%? Determine now that when next tax season rolls around, your giving contribution will be at least 10% of your total earnings and recognize that God, who has given us the strength to work, our minds to think, and our health to live, deserves our worship!


Father, thank You for blessing me with so much! Help me to "get my worship on" in every area of my life. Honor me as I honor You with my tithe. Amen.