Ed Young Devotionals

Fringe to Family

Written by Admin | Apr 29, 2018 5:00:00 AM


Acts 2:42,  "They spent their time learning from the apostles, and they were like family to each other. They also broke bread and prayed together."


"The local church is the hope of the world." We've been talking about areas where we need to apply a strong work ethic. What deserves our work more than the one thing Christ worked to establish-the local church? The verse above describes the beginning of the church – a group of people learning, serving, and growing. No matter who we are, we will one day be asked about what we did to strengthen the church. Consider the next few questions:
  • Are you serving or swerving? Is serving a priority or does it go in and out based on your busyness?
  • Are you connected? Are you building relationships so you can support and be supported?
  • Are you consistent in your attendance? Are you here over 50% of the time or is your attendance convenience-based?
  • Are you faithful in bringing your tithe?  Does your investment show that God's priorities are your priorities?
The sluggard may say, "It's raining, I can't go." or "This place has thousands of people, they don't need me to serve!" There are always excuses. But TODAY is a new day, and it's SUNDAY! We have a place for you and we would love for you to be a part of our family!


Look back at the questions above and answer them honestly. Today is the perfect day to make a change. Attend the Table Class and find out how you can get involved! Wherever God is leading you, know that your Fellowship family is ready and waiting to see you today!


God, help me see how I can make the church a priority. Thank you for the plans you have set out for me. Help me to be bold today and step out into how I can better serve your church!