Ed Young Devotionals

First Things First!

Written by Admin | Aug 6, 2022 5:00:00 AM


Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well.”  


For most of us, every day is like a juggling act; we have numerous things vying for our time, attention, and money. Sadly, those three things often disappear before we realize where they went. It feels like there’s never enough to go around! 


We will find our rhythm in this juggling act if we put God first in every area. Seeking and submitting to His will is the solution to our problems and concerns. Today’s verse is like an insurance policy from God – and the cost of the policy, our premium, is to “seek first the Kingdom of God.” The payback — and God always delivers on every promise – is “all these things will be added to you.”  


How do we seek the Kingdom of God? It’s all about remaining obedient to Him in each of these areas. God responds to our needs supernaturally when we acknowledge our need for Him in every situation or circumstance. Today, choose to put first things first. Listen to what God says about those areas – time, attention, and money – and begin to submit to Him. When you put Him first, you’ll be amazed at what God will do in your life! 


Get back to the basics. Do you give your time and attention to God each day by praying and spending time in The Bible, His Word to you? Are you being obedient with your money by tithing (giving the first 10% to Him) as a way to bless others? Do your priorities match His or are you focused on hobbies, extracurricular activities and work? Choose to put first things first! 


Father, today I choose to put You first. I surrender all of my struggles and concerns to You. I fully trust in Your faithfulness to provide for all of my needs. Thank You for your love and compassion! In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.