Ed Young Devotionals

Feed Me?

Written by Admin | Dec 10, 2017 6:00:00 AM


Mark 16:15, "He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.'"


Ask any nutritionist, doctor, or trainer, "What are the keys to a long and healthy life?" and the two most common responses you get will be, "A healthy diet and regular exercise." Over the last week, we've talked about the importance of diet and exercise in order to enjoy a long life. But it's not just a physical life. We have to concentrate on a healthy diet and regular exercise to thrive spiritually speaking, as well. And the church is the table where we come in order to get fed. It's where we find our healthy diet. But too many people in today's culture come to church with the me-istic attitude of, "Feed me," and they forget the exercise part. They expect to find the food, the fuel that is necessary to survive in just their own little world. But what we do with the food is just as important as the food itself. We have to be willing to push away from the table, get outside of our comfort zones, and exercise. A healthy Christian life is characterized by regular exercise, not just a healthy diet. As you begin this week, make it a point to live out what you digest. Don't just eat and eat and eat. Instead, learn this week. Then push out from the table and take the food, the very Bread of Life, to those around you who are starving.


To hand the Bread of Life out to those around us, we must have samples ready. At Fellowship Church, we make it easy! Right now, click back two screens, scroll down, then click on "FC Wkly". See what we have coming up, and send out a Tweet, Instagram post, or Facebook status to let those you know about all that is happening here!


Dear God, thank You for providing me with the fuel I need. But I need Your help to push away from the table and take that food to others. So right now, I pray for opportunities this week for me to share the ultimate food-the Bread of Life-with those who need it. In Jesus' name, Amen.