Ed Young Devotionals

You Deserve A Break Today!

Written by Admin | Jul 14, 2019 5:00:00 AM


Matthew 11:28, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."


McDonald's used to end their commercials with the slogan, "You deserve a break today!" That is actually true! Everyone needs to put the brakes on, especially if they are constantly living in the fast lane. God himself set the best example from the beginning of time when he created everything in six days but rested on the seventh. Today is the Lord's Day and has been given to us as a day of rest, a day of focusing on God as we come together for worship and enjoy a quality time of focusing on God! Today's passage is a reminder that God, our great Creator loves to spend time with us, his creation. He urges us to come to him with our problems and he will give us rest. Come to church today worshipping and ready to enjoy the peaceful, restful gift that comes when you join others in worship. God wants it and you need it because it's true: You deserve a break today!


During worship today, think of the burdens you are carrying and deliberately give them over to God. Another way to do this is to transform your worry List into a prayer List. When we give our burdens to him, we are acknowledging that he can be trusted with them. That is worship. And it results in rest so that we are re-energized to face another week.


God, thank you for my church. I'm so glad that I can go to my home away from home where I can worship with others and be filled by you. Thank you for reminding me to bring my burdens and problems to you and for promising that, when I do, you will lighten my load. Amen.