Ed Young Devotionals

Why Me?

Written by Admin | Dec 18, 2020 6:00:00 AM


Luke 1:34, 38, "‘How will this be,' Mary asked the angel, ‘since I am a virgin? ... I am the Lord's servant,' Mary answered. ‘May your word to me be fulfilled.' Then the angel left her."

Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight."



Floating around the internet is the quote: "The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg." Sometimes we look at others and wonder why their situations are so different from our own - maybe even better! At some point, each of us has been faced with a difficulty that caused us to cry out to God in frustration, "Why me?" We wonder why we must go through certain situations. We might even think we've been obedient and then point out others' disobedience as if they are more deserving of such circumstances than we are. However, throughout Scripture, we see that God loves every single person and is full of compassion and mercy - He hears us! So, after we call out in frustration, we must then land in TRUTH.

Consider Mary. In today's reading, we discover that she was initially afraid when the angel Gabriel came to her. But then she mustered up the courage to ask how she, a virgin, could possibly give birth to Jesus. Once she understood that this was God's will for her life, she made a choice that positioned her for greatness - she submitted. God provided for Mary and, through her obedience, He used her in a miraculous, incredible, unique way!

Your story is not Mary's story. It's also not your neighbor's or friend's tale to tell. It's YOURS. God has a specific plan and purpose for your life that no one else can fulfill. Whatever you are going through, be it joy or suffering, offer it up to God. Like Mary, your life can be used for His glory! Get past the "Why me?" and submit to God. He will guide you and "make your paths straight."



Take a piece of paper and draw a line indicating your life's path. Where are the dips and curves that indicate instances that you were not following Christ? Is there anything now you need to confess? As you get to the present in your drawing, submit your future - especially the questions and the unknowns - to Him, and indicate that with a straight line moving forward.



Heavenly Father, I confess that I struggle to trust You with _____________. I don't understand why You have allowed this in my life. I lay it at Your feet right now, and even though I still don't fully understand, I believe that You will work through this situation for my good. Be glorified in me today! In Jesus' name, Amen.