Ed Young Devotionals

Too good to learn?

Written by Admin | Oct 21, 2018 5:00:00 AM


Philippians 2:5, "In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus"


"The right people in life are teachable." Every championship team in every sport around the world has a few things in common. For one, they all have a coach. They have someone who calls the shots, someone who makes the crucial decisions. Second, the players on the team have listened, learned, and applied what the coach is teaching. The greatest players in history are those who not only have the skill, but who are also teachable. If we're going to experience life the way it is designed to be experienced; if we're going to "play the game" the way God has created it, then we need to be teachable as well. God calls the shots. We need to make sure we are in a position of humility to learn from him, rather than thinking we have it all figured out. Learn from Christ's example. There was no greater MVP than Jesus; yet, he willingly and readily relied on his "coach," God. Are you listening and looking to him as well?


What was your last reaction to being critiqued by someone who had your best in mind? How did you respond to God's challenge in your life at that time? Were you teachable? Or were you "too good" to learn? Shift your attitude, and begin to look at life the way Jesus did, relying ultimately on God as your coach.


God, I know that there are things in my life that I need to learn from you. Help me to have an attitude of humility as I follow your example. Amen.