Ed Young Devotionals

There Is A Purpose and A Plan

Written by Admin | Aug 28, 2017 5:00:00 AM


Genesis 1:31, "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good."


It's probably the most asked question in life: "What is my purpose?" Instinctively, we know there is a reason for our existence, that we are made for a purpose. Simply put, that purpose is to be in a relationship with God, our Creator. However, long ago, man decided to use the free will that God gave us to rebel against that purpose. It began with Adam and Eve choosing to break the one rule God gave them in the Garden of Eden. That sinful nature of rebellion is a heart problem we continue to have even now. Here's the great news! We were never meant to navigate life on our own. God's Word is here to serve as our GPS: God Positioning System. And it is here to illuminate the path before us. The Bible is our lifeline to God's wisdom and truth in which we find the grace and guidance for every circumstance. We all mess up. We all miss God's mark of holiness and perfection. Bluntly, we all sin. As a result, there is a cosmic chasm of separation between God and us, His treasured creation. So how can we ever fulfill our purpose of a relationship with God if our sin separates us from Him? Without that gap being filled, we can't. But we also cannot fill that gap on our own. That's why God, in His divine plan, sent a solution to our heart problem. He sent His Son, Jesus, to be an exchange for us. Jesus gave His perfect heart in exchange for our sinful heart in order to bridge the chasm for us. This is the return to God's purpose for our lives. Spiritual maturity comes with the understanding that God doesn't always reveal what lies miles ahead. But by faith we know He will always provide enough light to illuminate our next step. So to get back to the basic question, "What is your purpose?" The answer is that God created you with a purpose and a plan. His plan was perfect from the beginning. His plan is fulfilled through Jesus Christ. Allow Him to open your heart to His purpose for you today.


To understand God's plan, check out the Next Steps page on FellowshipChurch.com and spread it on social media as well!


Father God, I know that my heart problem – my sin –separates me from You. Thank you for sending Jesus to exchange His perfect heart for my sinful heart. Help me to know and trust you more as I build a relationship with you.