Ed Young Devotionals

The Price of Pride

Written by Admin | Sep 23, 2017 5:00:00 AM


Daniel 5:3-5, "So they brought in the gold goblets that had been taken from the temple of God in Jerusalem...  As they drank wine, they praised the gods of gold and silver, of bronze, iron, wood and stone. Suddenly the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall near the golden lampstand in the royal palace." Proverbs 16:8, "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall."


King Belshazzar's ego was sky high. In fact, his ego was so over-inflated, he thought it was a good idea to use the sacred things of God in a superficial way. Not the smartest move! Belshazzar was 3-D dumb: delusional, disrespectful, and destined for destruction. Utterly self-unaware, he was delusional to think he could so blatantly disrespect the God of the universe. Because of his inability to read the writing on the wall, Belshazzar was soon to discover his pride would cost him far more than he wanted to pay. And by then it was too late, his fate was sealed! Pride is power out of control. Humility is power under control. Jesus perfectly modeled humility throughout His life, death, and resurrection. And for us to truly know ourselves, we must know the One who knows us better than we know ourselves. That One is Jesus. Have you placed God on the throne of your life and sought to fulfill His plan and purpose for your good and His glory? It all starts with being in a position of humility.


Social media can be a vehicle for the ride of pride or it can be leveraged for greatness. Review your posts over the past few months. Are you posting or boasting? Are you encouraging or discouraging others? Are you representing the good news of Jesus Christ or paying homage to yourself on the world's largest stage?


Lord Jesus, thank You for humbling Yourself to the point of death on the cross to spare me from destruction. Show me the writing on the wall of my heart and remove any pride, known and unknown. Help me to remain humble and to put the needs of others before my own. I love You with all of my heart, and am beyond grateful for Your presence in my life!