Ed Young Devotionals

The Party Planner

Written by Admin | Jun 3, 2019 5:00:00 AM


John 10:10, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."



Jesus' first miracle was turning H2O into Merlot at a wedding celebration. When the wine ran out, Jesus turned regular water into fine wine. When the people tasted it, they gave it two thumbs up saying it was the best of the best. Likewise, when we surrender our lives to Jesus, he has the divine ability to turn our ordinary into his extraordinary, into God's best of the best for mankind. Today's verse affirms that Jesus came to earth to give his best for us. Life to the "full" means abundantly overflowing; Jesus wants our lives overflowing with joy, creativity, and purpose. This gives us great cause to celebrate all we have in him regardless of life's circumstances. With Jesus, the Ultimate Party Planner, our cups are always full and we are never left thirsty. He satisfies all our needs and brings total fulfillment to our lives. How great is that!



Take a quick inventory and ask yourself this important question. Would your closest friends and family members say that you radiate joy and happiness? If not, re-read today's verse and lift up your concerns to God as you pray the following prayer.



Lord, I'm no different than anyone else when it comes to wanting to have a joyful, fulfilling life. I'm thankful that you came for that very purpose. I believe the words of John 10:10 are true and I ask you, Jesus, to give me everlasting joy no matter the challenges I face. Amen.