Ed Young Devotionals

The Hope of the World

Written by Admin | Jan 26, 2019 6:00:00 AM


Matthew 16:18, "...on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."


"The local church is the hope of the world!" There was a broadcasting network asking people on the street this question, "Where does your hope come from?" People answered that they find hope in their hearts, friends, family, volunteer work, the media, and love for other people. While the majority of these responses are good things to find hope in, people fail to realize that the only everlasting hope comes from Christ and his church! The church is the only institution that Jesus ever built, so we know how valuable it is. The local church is where people from any and all backgrounds can come to experience life change. Nothing, not even death, can overcome the saving power of Jesus, because he defeated death! Because he lives, we can really live too. Jesus has called us to be a part of his mission to share the hope he brings to our ever-changing world. This is an INTENSE mission of everyone everywhere engaging in eternity! Are you all in for this mission?



Pray for this campaign – not what you will contribute (you have hopefully already been praying about that), but for those who haven't walked through the doors of Fellowship Church. Pray for the people we will reach, especially those who are still putting their hope in worldly things, etc. Pray for them to put their hope in Christ and his church.



Dear God, I thank you for the hope you offer through your son, Jesus Christ. I pray right now for all of the people that we will reach, for them to put their hope and trust in Jesus. I thank you for all that you're doing through Fellowship Church and all that you will continue to do, Amen.