Ed Young Devotionals

The Game of Life

Written by Admin | Jun 11, 2018 5:00:00 AM


Matthew 1:23,  "‘The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel' (which means ‘God with us')."


"No one understands ... like Jesus!" We've all found ourselves in a situation and thought, "No one else understands. I'm the only one going through this!" It is natural for us to look at our own situation, surroundings, and circumstances and jump to the conclusion that no one has ever faced what we are facing. But then we read a verse like today's. The moment Jesus burst onto the scene of humanity, the game of life changed! Jesus, God's only Son, gave up his position in heaven for a life on earth. Fully God and fully human, he intimately and intricately experienced the full human existence. And because of that, he understands. He understands every emotion, every loss, every betrayal. He has even grieved the death of a loved one. Jesus knows what you are going through, because he went through it. What does that mean for you today? There is nothing – nothing – that you ever have to face on your own. Jesus' name was Immanuel, which means "God with us." God is with you. Right here. Right now. Have courage today knowing that no matter what you are facing, you are not alone.


We all need a reminder of this truth from time to time. On an index card or Post-It note write the phrase "I am not alone!" along with today's verse. Put that card on your mirror to remind you each morning that no matter what the day brings, you do not have to face it alone!


God, I trust that you are with me. Help me in the moments that I feel alone to remember that I am not. Thank you for sending Jesus to this earth to identify with me and to give me a Savior who understands! Amen.