Ed Young Devotionals


Written by Admin | Oct 1, 2019 5:00:00 AM


Isaiah 61:10, "I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness..."



"The apparel oft proclaims the man." – Shakespeare Top designers such as Jimmy Choo and Tom Ford have next-leveled animal print clothing on the runway. But even as cutting-edge as they are in the fashion world, animal print designs are nothing new. God did it first! He clothed Adam and Eve in animal skins after their exposure to sin, covering over their shame. Over time, however, they'd need new clothes. Knowing this, the Ultimate Designer – God – had the perfect permanent fashion fix – Jesus! The Bible says that we've all sinned and fallen short of God's glory. God is perfect, we are not. This means it's impossible for us to enter His holy presence. No matter how many times we put on new clothes, we're still stitched in sin, ripped by rebellion, torn and tarnished. The only way to truly dress for success is through Jesus Christ. When we step over the line of faith and choose to follow Jesus, God trades our sin for His salvation, our fallenness for His forgiveness. He clothes us in perfection – the tailor-made, one-size-fits-all righteousness of Christ. Today, make the ultimate fashion statement and let your apparel proclaim that you have been covered by the love of and sacrifice of Jesus!



Today's verse is powerful. Read it a few times and really take heart in its meaning. If you have never made this decision, you can make it today! If you have, think about your life before you were clothed in Christ and compare it to your life now, as if you're looking at "before and after" photos from your ultimate spiritual makeover. Then, give thanks!



Dear Lord, I delight greatly in You and my soul rejoices because You have covered my sin and shame with the righteousness of Christ. Help me to remember this when I feel far less than Your best. In Jesus' name, Amen.