Ed Young Devotionals

Somebody to Lean On

Written by Admin | Jun 25, 2018 5:00:00 AM


Mark 15:34, "And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, 'Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?' (which means 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?')"


"Don't rely on feelings; rely on faith!" Jesus was not overwhelmed by his circumstances or surprised by the situation. He was quoting the first line of Psalm 22. Jesus knew when he took upon himself the sins of the world, that he would be temporarily separated from God. The cross - in all its gruesome physical torture - was secondary to the pain experienced by Christ as he was separated from God the Father and was now alone. Have you ever been in a difficult situation and felt completely alone? Feelings get freaky when we get uncomfortable, and the fight or flight reaction kicks in, which either turns us toward or away from God. In tough times, it's easy to play the blame game with God or turn from the One who can help us carry the burden we face. Some situations may make us feel like we are hanging on for dear life, and we might ask a similar question to what Jesus asked in today's verse. But we must remind ourselves that the alienation of Jesus was essential to our rescue. And because he chose isolation for us, we will never be cut off from the love, hope, power, and redemption of our Lord!



Write today's verse on a notecard, your mirror, or a piece of paper and put it somewhere you will see it throughout the day. Each time you see the verse, remind yourself to lean on Jesus with each difficulty you face, and find your strength in the One who gave everything for you.



Dear Lord, thank You for being a rock for me to stand on and a shoulder to lean on when I am weak. Please give me strength in each battle I face, big or small, and keep my eyes fixed on You. In Jesus' name, Amen.