Ed Young Devotionals

Share the Responsibility

Written by Admin | May 31, 2019 5:00:00 AM


Romans 15:7, "So warmly welcome each other into the church, just as Christ has warmly welcomed you; then God will be glorified."


We often refer to the church as a family, which it is. As the church family, we have each experienced the life change that Jesus Christ has ushered into our lives. It's an experience that we can't keep to ourselves; it must be shared. In fact, Jesus commands it in Luke 14:23, "Go out... and compel them to come in so that my house will be full." As a family member, it's our duty to invite and warmly welcome the people in our lives and spheres of influence to join us. The hospitality of the house, the church, should be such that those who experience it will want to return again and again. And as they do, they too will want to invite others to experience the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. And the cycle continues... This is how the church grows. Together, as a family of believers, we share the responsibility to pray for our church, invite others to be a part of our family, and do our part in welcoming them to glorify God in our lives and in his house. So, who can you "compel to come in?" Who are you inviting to experience life change?


This summer, Fellowship Church has numerous upcoming opportunities that are perfect for inviting people who might not normally attend church. Be a part of this exciting time by praying, inviting and serving in the house. Pray for the people God puts in your path and keep invites with you to give them. And serve to make their experience one that glorifies God.


Heavenly Father, thank you for changing my life. I want to make sure others experience the same. Open my eyes and heart to the people you've put in my path to invite to church, so they too may know who Jesus is and what he wants to do in their lives. In Jesus' name, Amen!