Ed Young Devotionals


Written by Admin | Apr 25, 2018 5:00:00 AM


2 Timothy 2:22,  "Run from anything that gives you the evil thoughts that young men often have, but stay close to anything that makes you want to do right. Have faith and love, and enjoy the companionship of those who love the Lord and have pure hearts." Hebrews 13:4,  "Marriage should be honored by all..."


"Marriage is the most important earthly relationship we will ever have." A strong work ethic is essential to great relationships because they don't just happen by accident. We don't stumble into dating the right person or randomly discover a great marriage. It takes work, but they are worth it! If you are single, are you working at relationships God's way? Are you dating or looking for someone who helps you follow God? If you are, make sure you are involved at Fellowship Church through serving and connect groups. The church is the best place to meet your mate! And when you do, make sure you are doing it God's way from the first day to the wedding day. His ways work! But marriage is not the end-goal. It's just the beginning! What you did to get your spouse is what you do to keep them. Honor your marriage by prioritizing your spouse above all other earthly relationships, including your kids. Put in the work to connect through daily conversations about your highs and lows and keep up weekly date nights. It takes intentionality to build a lasting marriage!


What work do you need to do to elevate your dating or marriage? Do you need to get involved in the church, so you can meet someone to date? Do you need to set some boundaries, so you follow God's standard for your dating? Do you need to schedule a date night with your spouse? Don't put it off. Do the work today because your relationship is worth it!


God, please show me the work I need to do in all my relationships, especially with my marriage or my future marriage. Give me the strength and discernment to take those steps to obey and honor you every step of the way. Amen.