Ed Young Devotionals


Written by Admin | Feb 3, 2019 6:00:00 AM


Proverbs 27:19, "A mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses."


"God is a relational God!" For a moment, try to count every person you will rub shoulders with today. It starts in the mirror, it continues on your commute, and it carries on throughout your day until you lay your head down again at night. Can you even count them all? Have you ever considered how much those relationships matter? Some may be more significant, but they all play a role. From the coffee shop barista to your best friend, your relationships have helped you get where you are going, have what you have, and do what you do. The reality is, we have a relational God and he has created us to live in relationship with other people. But our relationships can't be surface-level, quick-glance-in-the-mirror relationships. Not if we want them to truly matter. So this week, seek to develop quality relationships. Be intentional about who you spend time with. Invest relationally in those who give you the octane to do life God's way, and discover God's purpose for your relationships!


The church gives us the best place to develop quality relationships. The church is the context where our closest friendships should be played out. It's where you can find people of character, commitment, and consistency. So take the initiative to plug in to the local church by serving and attending regularly!


God, thank you for being such a relational God. Thank you for wanting a relationship with me! Help me as I go throughout my day to develop and maintain the kind of relationships that help me be the person you have created me to be! Amen.