Ed Young Devotionals

One Invitation

Written by Admin | Dec 29, 2017 6:00:00 AM


Matthew 2:10-11, "When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh."


When it comes to the Nativity Scene, so many people come into the picture. From Jesus to Mary and Joseph and from the angels to the wise men. Those that were drawn, like the wise men, were drawn by an invitation. For the wise men, that invitation was found in the star. And because they accepted the invitation and sought God, they were rewarded with the opportunity to see Jesus in person. They had an expectation that God would do something amazing so when they saw the star, they were willing to travel a great distance to see what God had done. Do you want God to do something in your life? Many times, the great things God has for us start with a small invitation. Your invitation could be an awareness that something in your life is not in line with God. Your invitation could be a feeling that you should invest in a relationship. Your invitation could be what you see in someone's life around you. Your invitation could come in many different ways. When your invitation happens, accept it. Be like the wise men and go the distance to experience all that God has prepared for you!


Write down one thing you believe could be an invitation from God and act on it today. All great journeys start with a single step. So don't let today finish without taking a step in response to God's invitation.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your invitations to experience more of You. Please make me aware of Your invitations and give me the strength to go the distance to the great things You have in store for me. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.