Ed Young Devotionals

No Bandwagons Allowed

Written by Admin | Oct 14, 2018 5:00:00 AM


John 6:66, "From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed Him."


"We were designed for devotion." Jesus was a dynamic, visionary leader who inspired and impacted the lives of countless people while he was on earth. But, even Jesus had to deal with the bandwagon. He encountered people who jumped on the bandwagon when things were going well and jumped off as soon as the road got rough. He knew what it was like to be surrounded by fair-weather fans who love you when you're winning, but disappear when the tide turns. What kind of fan does he find in you? Are you committed to Christ even when your life hits a rough spot? Are you loyal to his church, even when others criticize it? Here's where is rubber meets the road: full-on fans don't just stand with Christ, they stand up for him. And, they not only recommend the church, they defend the church! Don't be a fickle fan! Boldly tell others about what Jesus has done in your life. Recommend, defend and cheer on your church as you proudly let others know where your loyalty lies. It's more than waving a banner or displaying a bumper sticker, it is seen in your authentic enthusiasm!


Social media is a powerful, promotional tool so make a habit of showing how much of a fan you are by sharing ongoing posts about what's happening here at Fellowship Church. Remember that a full-on fan wants to do anything he or she can to let others know so they can experience what you've experienced!


God, please help me demonstrate to everyone in my sphere of influence, that I am your full-on fan! Help me to take every opportunity to invite others to experience the life change I have experienced. I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen.