Ed Young Devotionals

Living Proof

Written by Admin | Jul 7, 2019 5:00:00 AM


John 14:15, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments."


A pastor tells the story of how he was challenged to become "Living Proof" when he was younger. A man came up to him and said "Funny, I couldn't really tell that you were a Christian!" Those words moved him to make an immediate change in his life as he surrendered his life into the ministry. He then challenged himself to become a walking billboard, living proof, that in turn caused others to see Jesus in him from that day forward! Today's scripture is powerful! It only contains nine words, yet it holds such great power and truth. The bottom line is this: we express our love for God by our willingness to obey him. When we live out what Scripture commands us to do, it shows God that he is our priority, that we trust him. The reason we obey him is that we know he is our Father, and Father knows best. Any limitation he gives is for our protection. Anything he tells us to put into practice is so we can live the complete, joyful and fulfilling life he designed for us. Like the pastor above, our words and actions should reflect our relationship with God in order that we, too, can be walking, talking billboards for Christ. Do others see living proof of Jesus in your life?


Ask yourself this all-important question: "Do others see Jesus in me?" Can others see living proof that you've surrendered your all to the Lord? If the honest answer to that question is "no," do as the pastor above did, and make a change.


God, I want to be a walking, talking billboard for you in my life. Help me to be living proof for everyone I encounter so that I may point others to you. In Jesus' name, Amen.