Ed Young Devotionals

Living in the FOG

Written by Admin | Mar 9, 2018 6:00:00 AM


Romans 3:15-18,  "Their feet are swift to shed blood; ruin and misery mark their ways, and the way of peace they do not know. There is no fear of God before their eyes."


"Everything I think, say, and do is open before God and is being judged by Him." When you were growing up you probably heard someone ask, "Would you do that if God was watching?" and the punch line was always, "Well, He is!" Many people live with an awareness that God is real, that He might even be watching. But does an awareness of God actually change you? In today's verse, we see a profound claim from the Apostle Paul – that the problems in the world are all because people do not fear God! But the fear of God isn't like the fear of snakes or public speaking. Yesterday we read that the fear of God is: "A continual, 24/7 awareness that I'm in the presence of a Holy, just, and almighty God..." But the definition doesn't end there. It continues: "... and everything I think, say, and do is open before Him and is being judged by Him." The point of today's verse is twofold. First, it reminds us that no one can live up to God's standard of perfection. Second, we see that if we want to know peace, we must fear God! If we have placed our faith and hope in Jesus, we should have a powerful awareness of God's holiness and the seriousness of the coming judgment. That is what drives us to receive Christ's forgiveness! Because of that, do all you can to live in a way that honors God with your words, thoughts, and actions, while living out a gratitude for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ!


Live in a FOG (Fear of God) this week. Every time you look at your phone, try to imagine that you pocked-dialed God and it is like He is with you in the car, in your home, at work, with friends; and let the FOG act as a barrier to sin, and an encouragement to do what is right!


Dear Lord, I thank you that because of Jesus Christ, I can experience your forgiveness. Help me to know I can both love you and fear you. In Jesus' name, Amen.