Ed Young Devotionals

In God We Trust

Written by Admin | Jul 5, 2019 5:00:00 AM


Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."


From the beginning of time, it's been a pattern that is all too familiar. We decide we don't like what we are being told by our Creator, we do our own thing instead, the results don't pan out, and we end up with regrets. In those moments of regret, we realize that if we had only trusted and submitted to his instruction, we would have been in a much better situation. And so begins the crooked path we create for ourselves. It's important to understand that God is not a cosmic killjoy. His instructions are meant to help us navigate this life and experience his best for us. There will always be issues that we encounter. But, when we choose to trust him, submit to his authority and follow his instructions, we will experience a blessed life, despite the issues. It's true that we may not always understand his leading, but if we submit to him and follow the instructions he has given us, he will guide us down the right path for our lives.


If following God's instructions is a challenge for you, then the issue is a lack of trust. Remember that each step is a chance to build trust. And as you trust him more, submitting to his ways will become your first step every time.


Heavenly Father, thank you for the instructions you have provided for my life. I admit that I don't always understand and that there have been times I have tried doing my own thing, with regrettable outcomes. I know that your ways are so much better than mine. Help me to trust you and submit to your plans for my life. I know that you will make my path straight. In Jesus' name, Amen.