Ed Young Devotionals

I Doubt It!

Written by Admin | Jun 23, 2018 5:00:00 AM


Mark 9:23-24, "Jesus said to him, 'If you can?' Everything is possible to the one who believes.' Immediately the father of the boy cried out, 'I do believe! Help me in my unbelief.'"


"Doubt your doubts and feed your faith." We all have doubts. As much as we want life to be filled with certainty, there are always unknowns. In this story in Scripture, a man was asking Jesus to heal his son. In his request he asked, "If you can..." and Jesus called him out. He could hear his doubt. But Jesus didn't walk away from him nor did he shame him. He instead encouraged him to believe that everything is possible, even when it seems impossible. And the man's response? He asked Jesus to fill in the gaps of his faith. Even though he still had doubts, he asked Jesus to help him. And that became his step of faith. And Jesus did the impossible. Where do you need God to work in your life? Are you facing a seemingly insurmountable obstacle? And are there doubts that plague you? Talk to God about it. He can handle them. When you doubt your doubts, God will feed your faith.


Build your faith by spending time with people whose faith has been tested. Come to Table Talk this weekend to find out how you can meet people here at Fellowship Church. And if you're questioning if God even exists, stop by the Source Bookstore and pick up "Why Mike's Not a Christian" by Ben Young. It's a great way to find answers to your questions!


Father, please open my eyes and strengthen my faith. Lead me to people who can answer my questions and encourage me when my faith begins to falter. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.