Ed Young Devotionals

I Can't Change!

Written by Admin | Jan 16, 2018 6:00:00 AM


Proverbs 28:13, "You will never succeed in life if you try to hide your sins. Confess them and give them up; then God will show mercy to you."


We are all dysfunctional at some level or another. Does this mean we all grew up in extremely dysfunctional homes? No. But at times, we are all guilty of dissing God's function in our lives emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. Self-sufficiency and pride lead us to think we know what's best for our lives. But this "I want to run the show" mindset is the root of our problem. When we double down on our dysfunction and leap headlong into trying to fix ourselves, we will be nothing but disappointed every time. Why? God never intended for us to navigate life on our own. In fact, thinking we are capable of making much needed and lasting change – while shouldering the burden of past baggage – results in fear, frustration, fatigue, and, ultimately, failure. God, in His infinite wisdom, is all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere all the time. There's nothing He doesn't know, and nothing is hidden from His sight. Who are we to think we are better equipped to deal with the baggage in our lives than the Creator who gave us life? What we keep from God keeps us from God. Success can only happen when we confess! Right now, admit aloud, "I can't change!" Doesn't it feel so freeing to say? The moment we admit to God what He already knows is the moment true and lasting change can begin in our lives. God will cast out fear. He will give us rest from our frustration and fatigue. And with Jesus, we cannot fail. Through Him, we have victory over death. And through Him, we live in the light of God's unending mercy and amazing grace.


What do you need to surrender and trust God with today? What do you need to confess? Lift up your responses to these questions to God in prayer.


Heavenly Father, I need Your help. Show me areas where I allow self-sufficiency and pride to dictate my actions. Stir within me the desire to surrender what I can't change to Jesus. I thank You for Your constant presence, strength, and transformational power at work within my life today. In Jesus' name, Amen.