Ed Young Devotionals

How Does God See You?

Written by Admin | Jul 6, 2018 5:00:00 AM


John 8:10-11, "Jesus straightened up and asked her, ‘Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?' ‘No one, sir,' she said. ‘Then neither do I condemn you,' Jesus declared. ‘Go now and leave your life of sin.'"


"God's love has no prerequisites."  When you mess up how do you think God looks at you? There was a woman caught in the sin of adultery, and the religious leaders wanted Jesus to condemn her for her actions. They were stacking the deck against her. She was totally alone in her shame and guilt as she prepared to die a horrible death by stoning. You might imagine that as the woman made eye contact with Jesus, one who was perfect, she would see disappointment, judgement, or frustration in his eyes. But instead, Jesus offered grace, forgiveness, and words of purpose. And then he advocated on her behalf and presented a defense that caused everyone holding a stone to reflect on the condition of their own heart. All of the men dropped their rocks and walked away. Then Jesus got down to the real and the raw. It was time for her to leave her life of failure and move forward in forgiveness. When we mess up, Jesus looks at us the same way! He doesn't focus on our missteps, but our next step!


Think about how you see God when you make a mistake. Do you see him as the disappointed teacher shaking his head or the father that loves unconditionally? As you go through your week, be intentional about how you choose to view Jesus when mistakes happen and treat others the same when they make mistakes.


God,  thank you for reminding me of the grace you have given to me. May I remember always your love for me and allow it to lead me into the wonderful plans you have for my life. Amen!