Ed Young Devotionals


Written by Admin | Dec 17, 2018 6:00:00 AM


Jeremiah 29:13, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."



"When you truly seek God, God reveals himself to you." If you've ever played hide-and-seek with a child, then you know they have a hard time actually staying hidden. They just can't stay still or quiet enough. And if they are young enough, they may even "hide" in some pretty obvious places. When it comes to God, many people feel he is an expert at playing hide-and-seek. But, the fact is, he is more willing to be found than we realize. In fact, God never hides from us, because he wants us to find him! Christmas is one time when many people look for God. Even those who are far away from him find themselves asking the deeper questions about life and giving him another shot. The good news for all of us is that all we have to do is open our eyes and look! Wherever you are on the spectrum of spirituality, God is ready to reveal himself this Christmas season! Don't keep your eyes hidden, stuck in a corner, counting to 10. Instead, open your eyes and see how God is right here, waiting for you!



One of the rules of hide-and-seek is that the seeker can't open his or her eyes until they have counted all the way to 10. Right now, close your eyes and count to ten. And while you do, ask God to reveal himself in obvious and unexpected ways this Christmas season.



God, I know you want to have a powerful, personal relationship with me. Help me see that you aren't hiding from me, but that you are right here, right now. And help me to make the most of the opportunities you have given to me. Amen